Tuesday, November 27, 2012

holiday cheer

I have been overly excited about Christmas this year
which I am glad about because the past few Christmas's I have had a hard time getting into holiday spirit. I blame it on graduating high school and no longer participating in a choir that starts working on holiday music in October. Anyone who was in Trouveres with me I am sure would agree with me when I say that performing Christmas music almost daily in December can really Christmas you out. So, it was more difficult for me to get really into it I think when I didn't have that to get me excited. 

This year, being our first Christmas together is exciting! I was getting anxious about getting a tree before Halloween! To be honest, I have had Christmas decor up in Thoroughly since the beginning of November. Now that Thanksgiving is over I think its finally appropriate for me to publicly announce that my tree is up. I tried to avoid all the people who think its a crime to speak of Christmas before Thanksgiving.. 

SIDE NOTE: for those of you who don't know.. Michael and I named our apartment Thoroughly Thursday. I realize I use phrases like "I decorated Thoroughly today". I just wouldn't want anyone to be confused about what I mean. It may be possible that I would mean I decorated thoroughly, and you could assume that I was using that word the way one normally would. However, I am just using our apartments name. I just thought I would clear that up :) 
ALSO.. you may be confused about why we would name our apartment Thoroughly Thursday, or why we would name our apartment at all. I would love to tell you the story. We think its a funny story, but no body else seems to think it is. So i'll just keep it to myself. 

Moving on...
OUR FIRST TREE!!!!! :) :) :) 


these little guys were given to Michael in Norway. God Jul means Merry Christmas . I believe the direct translation is Good Christmas. Possibly.. I would have to ask Michael to be sure. 

Costco wrapping paper. Highly recommended. 
We are very much enjoying the warm decor in our little home :) Its going to be a great first Christmas!

Our first Thanksgiving together was wonderful! I was thankful for the family members that traveled  to join the festivities :) Holidays are much more enjoyable when you are with family. I am also really thankful for my in-laws. They have been wonderful at loving me and welcoming me into their family.

 At least one large laugh attach usually occurs when our family gets together. We were eating dinner at my house. The Millwards were there, and it was Michael (my brother in-law) who started the laugh attach by saying "cheese pass the curds". Don't ask me why I thought it was so funny.. but Marsha and I were both in tears over it.

I spent a good amount of time being read to by my nephew Abram.

He read Are You My Mother to me probably 10 times while he was here. He reads incredibly well :)

I very much enjoyed playing games with Michael's family while we were in town. We played Phase 10 on Thursday evening. On Friday I was introduced to the game Nertz at the Winters home. Love that game! I am terrible at it.. but its so fun!

Black Friday was a success! My sisters and I went to Herberger's.

We ran into Britt and Mandy. So they followed us around until almost 2:00 a.m. :)

It was so busy! It was a little disappointing, we didn't buy anything that we had gone there to buy. Marsha has a list of things to look at. Unfortunately all she left with was socks. It wasn't a complete wast of time though. It was a fun Black Friday experience! And.. I found a red coat! I could not have been more thrilled about it! I am sure I will be posting pictures of that beauty soon :)

Saturday night we went to the Millwards to get in their hot tub. Just before getting out Michael stands up and tells me "I'm feeling a little black outish.." and then fainted. freaked me out just a little. I got to play the hero and save him from drowning. Thankfully it was just seconds before he came to in my arms. He was confused about his wet hair and why I was suddenly holding him when he was just standing up. Oh good memories.. :)

I everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and a successful Black Friday as well :)  

Monday, November 5, 2012

his latest accomplishment

Just a short update..

 Michael came home from work on Friday night with some great news! His supervisor pulled him away from his work for a moment to promote him to Team Lead!! :) 

I am very proud of him

I'm so lucky to have a husband that has been blessed with many talents

Since November has begun many people have been listing things they are thankful for day by day on Facebook and Instagram. Seeing posts of others has led me to think of the many things that I am thankful for. I have found myself emotional while trying to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for Michael. Its an impossible task. I can in no words describe how much he means to me. He has exceeded my expectations completely. Then I just get more emotional thinking of all the other people and blessings I have in my life. November is a great month! I am so happy that we have thanksgiving as a holiday to remind us of how truly lucky we really are.

Happy November everyone!