I love May. Life always gets fun in May. I am sure part of the reason why I love May is because I was born at the end of the month. But there are so many other reasons to love May.
The weather FINALLY becomes gorgeous in May. Like Gorgeous. My world has been so green and beautiful lately.
I have been going on walks a whole lot lately. I think part of me is a little sick of being inside so much after what seemed like a really long winter. The other part of me is sick of being ALONE in my apartment so I just have to get out. Michael has been SO busy this semester. I just want to spend every perfect moment with him. Its a blessing and a curse that he is so responsible. I just want him to drop out of school and quit his job and pack a suitcase and travel the world with me! Thankfully he is smart enough to know that we would run out of money and end up living in a box so he continues to be a grown up and provides for us. I'm so thankful for that :) I just miss him ya know!?
I shouldn't complain. He is fabulous at somehow making time for me and we still have many perfect moments.
We celebrated May 17th (Norway's Birthday) with a few people that served with him in Norway. I think it may have been a little bit more enjoyable for me if I spoke Norwegian? I tried to learn once and I can catch a few words when people are speaking Norwegian slowly.. I really should continue to learn, I quit out of pure laziness.
I got to celebrate my birthday several times in May. There was actually quite a few girls in my ward that had May birthdays. So one one evening my friend Christine has a girls night at made us a cake :)
Michael and I celebrated with my family over Memorial day weekend.
On the day of my actual birthday Michael was swamped with school and work so I got a little group of girls together to go to dinner with me. They were all so sweet and turned dinner into an awesome party. I had a birthday girl crown and everything :)

It was a blast :)
Somehow even though Michael was crazy busy he did make some time to go on a walk with me. We spent like literally 5 min walking around the farmers market and then took several pictures to document the moment. Ha. I like having pictures so we do the whole hold your phone as far away from yourself as possible and take a picture. More currently known as taking a selfie. I try to avoid using that word.. i'm just not a huge fan of it. But I guess its a convenient word to use for this situation.
Michael is generally the selfie master because his arms are longer. Occasionally we get a good one.. But he is also good at taking them from ridiculous angles and making them blurry while making hilarious faces. I love him.
I love all our beautiful memories.
Happy June everyone :)