Tuesday, January 29, 2013

forts, shakes & birthday cake

Ok, it is like the end of January and I am just NOW doing a blog post. This is ridiculous. Alright here it goes.

this months highlights

On January 12th of 2012 Michael came home! It was probably the most stressful day of my life. I literally lost 8 pounds the week he came home I was so insane anxious. I have never had such a bad headache there was so much pressure but oh man.. I was SO happy to see him. 

Well, while he was gone his best friend Justin and I became very good friends. He was my rock. Anytime I needed a male friend he was there. He was there if I needed someone to listen to me cry, or listen to my story about my most recent letter.. If I just needed someone to hang out with me on a day when I didn't want to be alone and all my friends were busy with their husbands or whatever he was there. I probably drove him nuts but I could not be more thankful for him. He drove me to the airport last year and had to deal with all my crazy. We went through a lot together waiting for Michael and he came to Rexburg on the 12th this year. How perfect :) we celebrated.

alright no really, we just hung out all day we didn't leave the apartment or do anything crazy fun but I like to turn everything possible into a celebration so it was nice to have him here. 

The following week I found myself with not a lot to do and I was getting a little sick of being stuck in the apartment with nothing to do. One night after Michael came home from work I was complaining to him about it.. of course. I demanded that we did something fun so he started grabbing sheets and blankets and we built a fort! 

Woo! He has such great ideas! So I was like YAY! this is awesome  I am so happy to do this fun thing with you! We can make a bed in there, watch a movie and have a little sleepover in our cool fort! 

And so we did.. for like 5 nights strait. Haha we lived in the fort for almost a whole week. Living in our living room was fun, but started to get a little bit out of control. The fort had to go. It was fun while it lasted. :) 

Later that week Michael took me to Vocal Point! I saw a flier at the gym while I was there with some of my Winters sisters and I freaked out! Vocal Point came to Pocatello a few years ago and I LOVED them! I was very impressed and so I wanted to go! It was on a Friday night so I didn't  plan on going because Michael works every Friday night. BUT he surprised me that little sweetheart. He got work off and we went! Loved it. I'll be honest, I think the group that I saw a few years back was better.. but they were still good I am glad we got to go. I really appreciated the bass, who can speak just like Elmo. So impressive. And their version of Call Me Maybe. Very nice. 

The next night we went on a triple date (kinda) with his sisters Michelle & Missy. We were just missing Missy's husband John so the 5 of us went out to this amazing Thai food restaurant on main street. Honestly, that is probably the best place to eat in Rexburg. We haven't been to impressed with restaurants here, but that place is SO good! I have been craving it every other day since its ridiculous I need to go back soon. 

We then went to Sammy's for some famous pie shakes. 

This last weekend we went to Pocatello for my sweet moms birthday!!! 

We went to Texas for dinner.. thank you Michael for all the fabulous pictures you took of us. We are all so attractive. Maybe next time wait until we are ready for the picture... Thanks love ;) 

Just kidding we did get a good one, I just had to laugh looking at the 10 other pictures of us completely not paying attention to the fact that he was snapping darling shots of us. :) 

After doing the presents and cake thing that evening I went to go see some of my very favorite people at farrs. I stayed there to be with my besties while Michael went to go hang out with J-dog. Justine moved back temporarily from Cali. It makes me so excited to see her more often!

We also had a great day on Sunday and then came back to freezing Rexburg. It dumped on us here, there is so much snow. I got stuck in the middle of an intersection yesterday. You would think they would be better at plowing the roads here. It was not cool and no one helped me. So I cried. That is just how I deal with things. 

Last but not least.. I have been working out! I always make random work out goals and never really stick with it. Its easier to sit on the couch and eat cake ya know? I am trying to change that. I am on my second week of my new goal. I am thankful for my texting buddies (Marsha, Melissa & Mandy) who keep me in line, and for the friends that have gone to the gym with me. Including Michael who walks with me at the I center almost every night after a long hard night at work. 

P.s. I love being married. I just can not get enough of my darling Michael. I am way to lucky. 

Happy end of January everyone :) 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

lovin me some fundue

New Years Eve was wonderful. 

as it is, always 

For those of you who know Michael well, you would know he LOVES to skate. Before he went on his mission he spent a great amount of time at Deleta as well as the skate park. He got some aggressive skates this summer just for the skate park. He likes ice skating as well. We have only been a couple of times but he is pretty skilled as you can see in this sideways video. 

That was 3 years ago :) ha I just had to share. cute boy. 

He wanted to go to Deleta on New Years Eve. He told Marsha and my sister was like YEAH cuz she is cute like that. We then passed the word on to the Winters family and we all had a skating party Monday afternoon. 

The usual New Years Eve festivities went on at the Quinn home that evening. However, I believe this is the first year we didn't watch at least some of Snow Ball express. 

Oh P.s. 
New Years Eve is my 
favorite holiday of all time.
in case you didn't know. 

We had our regular fondue party.


games, chocolate and noise makers while watching the ball drop. Michael had never seen the ball drop before. I don't think he was that impressed.. 

I got my first ever New Years kiss! 

The night could not have been better. I am already pumped for next year :) 

On January 1st the Millwards left, it was hard to say goodbye not knowing the next time we will see them. Being away from family is no fun. 

Michael and I spent the day watching Harry Potter. When I say the day, I literally mean the WHOLE day. We watched up to movie 4 while in Pocatello, then went back to Rexburg. Our apartment was FREEZING! We put on some comfy warm clothes and cuddled close while we watched the 5th Harry Potter. 

I am a huge HP fan. Yesterday we watched move 6 and today we started part one of 7. I feel like I  have just been crying for the last 3 days because of it! All the tears started when the sorting hat put Harry into Gryffindor. Oh my it is such a great story. Love it. 

I am sure some of the tears have something to do with being back to normal life. The holidays are over, the Christmas decorations have been taken down. The family has gone back home to their lives. It is always a little hard when the Holidays end. On the positive side of things, it is a new year! 

A great and memorable year of our lives has passed. 

We're looking forward to a new one. 

Happy New Year everyone :)