I feel so lucky to have the in-laws that I do. I also feel lucky that my family, and my in-laws live in the same town. We spent half of the time with the Winters and half with the Quinns. Sunday evening we got to the Winters after our visit to Utah. Missy and her husband John were staying the night, as well as Steven and Melissa. The 6 of us stayed up till after 3:00 talking. Thankfully we all slept in so none of us were to tired on Christmas eve :)
I had never been caroling before. Well.. unless you count caroling with the trouveres in a retirement center or something. Never gone to a home and stood outside in the snow caroling. The Winters went on Sunday night before Michael and I were back to town. On Christmas eve we just hit one home. It was a great experience. For those who know my in-laws it is clear that they are very musically talented people. I was lucky to take part in the most beautiful caroling I have ever heard.
We sang 3 short songs. One I had never heard before so I just stood next to Michael and listened to everyone else sing that one. I found it incredibly touching.
What can I give him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb:
If I were a wise man, I would do my part.
Yet what I can I give him--give my heart.
I love the lyrics of that sweet and simple song. Christmas is such a lovely time. The feeling of Christmas is so perfectly fitting for celebrating the life of our Savior.
With my family we had a traditional Christmas. Watching Mr. Krueger's Christmas and listing to Dad read from Luke 2 before going to bed. Growing up all of the kids slept together in my bedroom. We weren't aloud to leave the room until mom came to get us in the morning. We had some fun times in my room all together just waiting for mom to come get us, not able to sleep. I remember one year my brother Brian got out the Lego's to try to keep us entertained while we waited. This Christmas the only sibling to sleep with me is my sister Melissa. Thankfully we had Michael to add a little bit more fun :)
However, we all seemed to sleep really well that night. I know people don't normally sleep at sleepovers.. especially on Christmas eve. Michael woke up an hour earlier then my sister and I (not a surprise.)
We really enjoyed Christmas morning looking at our stockings and opening our presents.
We relaxed, ate and played some games. I'll be honest.. I am not the biggest fan of Mormon Mouthful. However, I LOVED playing Taboo probably more then anyone else did. Me and Melissa dominated that game :)
I haven't let go of Christmas yet. I am waiting for January to take down the decorations. I am still enjoying Christmas music as well. It is always a little sad when the holidays end.
The real fun at the Quinn home is yet to come. New Years Eve has always been a big deal at my house. We always do fondue. Which has been renamed to fundue by my brother Bill. I wish my whole family could be together for it every year. None of my brothers will be there this year because they live so far away. They will be continuing the tradition of fundue at their own homes. I always miss my brothers. Thankfully Marsha is close enough to come! I can hardly wait!
Michael has joined us for fundue before, just before he left on his mission. It will be much more enjoyable this year because I will actually be there! I was sick on New Years Eve 3 years ago. Worst day to be sick EVER. That was incredibly disappointing. This year will be so much better :)
I have to admit leaving the year 2012 is a little bad sad. I have never had a hard time saying goodbye to a year before. This year has been special. At the same time, I am sure 2013 is worth looking forward to.